这种品牌的大米特点在于,煮出来的米饭具有光泽,粘度适中、口感清妙。 “看外观美得一见钟情,尝一口美得一见钟情,从此成为最爱的大米。”这种大米和和食(日餐菜肴)堪称绝配,口感平衡美妙。
"Ginga no Shizuku (a drop of galaxy)" is originally developed in Iwate prefecture. Crystal white cooked rice and simply delicious taste is reputed and it is a good match with Sushi menu. The rice taste ranking by Japan Grain Inspection Association ranked it the highest "Special A".
This popular variety has a luster, moderate stickiness, and a light taste. Hitomebore rice—so beautiful and delicious, you’ll fall in love at first glance and at first taste. The superbly balanced taste is perfect for Japanese cuisine.
Japanese Glutinous Rice is the second most common variety of Japanese rice. When cooked it is even stickier than regular Japanese rice and is commonly pounded into rice cakes, made into sweets, or used in rice dishes such as sekihan (glutinous rice with red beans).