Iwate - one of the well known rice production prefecture in the north east Japan. The variety "Hitomebore" is the most produced rice in Iwate. It has good sticky texture and delicious flavor. Often selected "Special A" in Japan rice tasting ranking. Musenmai = rinse free rice, usual Japonica milled rice is recommended to rinse prior to heat cooking. However, Musenmai has been rinsed for you. It is water and time saving.
宮城縣東北部種植的一見鍾情大米。這裡是舊北上川和鳴瀨川流經之地,肥沃的沖積平原適合開墾水田,種植稻米。 一見鍾情米黏度適中、口感清妙。和各種菜餚都能搭配。 為了防止出口時運輸時間長,導致大米品質惡化而採用氮氣填充包裝。
Founded in 1882, Kitoku Shinryo enjoys a long history. The company is an established wholesale merchandising firm which has been dealing with rice for over 130 years. The firm’s shares have been listed on JASDAQ (now JASDAQ Securities Exchange) since 2001. As a major Japanese firm, Kitoku Shinryo handles over 400,000 tons of rice annually, distributing across Japan as well as the globe.